quarta-feira, novembro 03, 2004

1.694 Milhões de Veteranos Americanos ficaram sem Seguro de Saúde em 2003

O Harvard/Public Citizen Study conduzido pelo Professor David U. Himmelstein, M.D., da Harvard Medical School, concluiu entre outras coisas, que o número de veteranos sem seguro aumentou de 235,159 desde 2000, passando 9.9% de veteranos não idosos que não estavam seguros para 11.9% in 2003.
"1.694 million American veterans were uninsured in 2003, according to a study by Harvard Medical School researchers released today. Of the 1.694 million uninsured, 681,808 were Vietnam-era veterans while 999,548 were veterans who served during “other eras” (including the Persian Gulf War). "
"Since President Bush took office the number of uninsured vets has skyrocketed, and he’s cut VA eligibility, barring hundreds of thousands of veterans from care. Our president has put troops in harm’s way overseas and abandons them and their families once they get home."

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